Runwal Reallty

How To Be An Excellent Leader

Knowing theimplicationof playing a significant role in a team’s success and acting upon the cause is ‘leadership’. If a team underperforms the leader is responsible.A leader is themost important memberof the team.A personmight not necessarily be a born leader but one can certainly develop leadership skillsthrough additionallearning. Here are some tips to sharpen your leadership skills.

1. Communication holds the key : Clear communication is essential to build up a good relationship between the leader and team members.Communicating ideas clearly makesthe teamunderstand the work objective.Communication should be from both sides andthe team member’s freedom to express his / herthoughts should also be taken care of. Team members trust a leader with whom they can have acommunication on an equal level.

2. Passion gets transmitted faster : Share your passion of work with the team members. An enthusiastic leader recognizes the hurdles the team will encounter andwork towards solving them beforehand. If the leader of the group is always enthusiasticand motivated, it percolates down to the team in a very positive way.

3. Plan for the future : Utilizeyour vision to plan for the future. Leadership becomes easierifa clear plan isoffered to the team. Each team member needs to know abouthis / her personal contributiontowards the objective. If the objective is clearit ensuresa focused participation from the team members.

4. Keep on improving : Great leaders in all fields are continuously learning new things and updating themselves. No matter how much experience one hasthere is always scope ofimprovement available.Keepingthe mind open to new possibilities is always beneficial.Keep evolving to become a better leader.